Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Of Tiny Hands -- Tiny Brains -- And Tiny Protests...

But before we get to those matters, the newest tiny brain's move. . . would be a [clearly lacking any rational basis, and therefore. . . yep, unlawful] complete ban on all inbound immigration. From my perspective, this would simply increase the odds that "the cure" for COVID-19 will come from outside the USA. Even if one is inclined to believe that immigration heightens pandemic risks [despite all the contrary data sets]. . . this proposed banning comes decidedly too late.

Idiocy, that -- and malevolent idiocy, at that.

My central topic though, this morning, is the puzzling notion that Fox is covering what are at most a few dozen people [per city], blithely but ignorantly protesting. . . for the "right" to infect themselves. Yawn. This is not news. This is a Tik-Tok stunt. [And we sadly have a tiny Tik Tok president. Ugh. This is Astroturfed nonsense. . . and we well-know it.]

My opinion? Let them march all about, in public, in protest. And let the bio-science. . . Darwin clearly set out. . . duly select these chuckleheads. . . for extinction. Just keep these village idiots -- and their Tangerine "Liberate Virginia!" leader. . . away -- from my family. We won't go near them. Let them. . . burn out.

Indeed, from the tiny minds, rise busy but tiny hands. . . spawning tiny. . . protests. More seriously, if they do decide to continue to defy the law -- and prematurely break from shelter in place -- they endanger us all. And far more so, than all immigrants combined, in 2020 -- thus far. Mostly, they will endanger only their own elderly relatives -- their families, and close contacts. Sad, really.

But not even tiny hand-wringing will result, from that.

Even so -- onward. . . smiling -- this too shall pass.


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