Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Merck Loses A Director, In Ongoing Fallout From "[Other] Undisclosed Influencers" At Sloan Kettering...

Many others have the larger topic well-covered, so I won't repeat it. Moreover, the central issue has almost nothing to do with Merck. This is a prophylactic side event development.

Yes, the logical next step at Sloan-Kettering has occurred: Dr. Thompson has renounced his seat on the Merck board, to avoid even the appearance of a conflict of interest, in the hospital system's immuno-oncology center.

. . . .Dr. Craig B. Thompson, the chief executive of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, said Tuesday that he would resign his seats on the boards of drug maker Merck and another public company, the latest fallout from a widening institutional reckoning over relationships between cancer center leaders and for-profit health care companies.

Dr. Thompson has served on the board of Merck, the maker of the blockbuster cancer drug Keytruda, since 2008. . . .

Now you know. Onward, on a sad day for Wrigleyville alums. There's always next year. Sigh. So it goes. Late one, last night.



Anonymous said...

on a different note:

What are the odds that we will comply?

condor said...

I wouldn’t hold my breath. Humanitarian aid should continue, but 45 will do all he can to thwart that. At least until Congress turns blue in November.

Onward — and a great find!
