Saturday, June 16, 2018

Normally, I'd Offer A Sweet, Hopeful Father's Day Message. Not THIS Year.

We are not red. We are not blue. Not Democrat; not Republican. Not black, white or brown. Not gay or straight. Tomorrow, we are family.

And, more precisely, on Father's Day, we are simply. . . humans. Human parents.

And any parent who cannot see they need to march peacefully to end this, is no parent at all, in my book. No human is worthy of that appellation, for that matter -- if they are not vocally and peaceably resisting this.

This is the way of madness. Of a. . . madman.

And it shouldn't need to be said, but is in no way biblical. I defy you1 to find me a verse in which Jesus suggested hostage taking, of our youngest -- and most vulnerable -- brothers and sisters. Mr. Sessions ought to be ashamed. But Mr. Trump cannot call himself a father, nor Ivanka a mother any longer. Not for another single day -- not for so long as this unfathomable cruelty persists.

If you are human -- go get active.


1. On the contrary -- Matthew 25:45 reads thus: "He will answer them, 'I can guarantee this truth: Whatever you failed to do for one of my brothers or sisters, no matter how unimportant [they seemed], you failed to do for me. . . .'



Anonymous said...

What can be said of parents who knowingly put their children in harm's way, taking them with them while committing a crime (entering someone else's home illegally and uninvited, in order to take that which is not theirs)?

"Whoever is greedy for unjust gain troubles his own household..."
Proverbs 15:27

condor said...


Let’s first agree on the facts: seeking asylum, after the Flores consent — is not a crime.

Any human arriving at our border (or arriving inside it), and seeking asylum in good faith... is not committing even a misdemeanor under our laws.

So — I think on a factual (and thus biblical, as well) basis... your claim is a false one.

Namaste — just the same.

[I’ll leave to one side the notion that the New Testament has amended the Old. And the verse you offer is decidedly the part of the repudiated Old Testament teachings (even if you’re factual assertion wasn’t false).

But it is — false.

condor said...

Just to keep the bidding straight -- here is the Flores consent decree -- and it is still good law:

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, I see that it is a good Consent Decree (not Law), that was agreed to by Democratic Attorney General Janet Reno:
"Following arrest, the INS shall hold minors in facilities that are safe and sanitary and that are consistent with the INS' concern for the particular vulnerability of minors.... However, minors shall be separated from delinquent offenders."
If the family's entrance into the USA was obtained illegally, and given the choice of time served after pleading guilty and remaining on the other side of the border as an intact family, or claiming Asylum while remaining in the USA illegally which will trigger the family break-up due to 'delinquent offenders', why would a parent knowingly break up their own family? The INS must follow the court order, so why aren't the parents being held accountable here? And if this is so heinous, why didn't Congress (led by both Democrats and Republicans at times) pass a better law in the 22 years since the settlement?

Anonymous said...

And it shouldn't need to be said, but is in no way biblical. I defy you1 to find me a verse in which Jesus suggested hostage taking, of our youngest -- and most vulnerable -- brothers and sisters.

"I tell you the truth, anyone who sneaks over the wall of a sheepfold, rather than going through the gate, must surely be a thief and a robber!
John 10:1

condor said...

I’ll simply ask: do you really believe the nonsense you just wrote?

I highly doubt you do.

But on the chance you do, why would you expect Congress to act to block Trump? His party controls Congress. This is a particularly silly reply, even by your standards.

Be well, just the same.

condor said...

You shouldn’t drink so much at night. You are humiliating yourself — and exposing your racism.

How did your people come to be Americans, pray tell?

Seriously dude — this is odious — and blasphemous.

condor said...

You might consider that Christ himself will return “as a thief in the night. . . .”

1 Thessalonians 5:2. . . .

You might want to explain to him why you treated the least of his the way you did.

Me? I no longer follow that covenant, for a host of reasons — but you’ve completely mischaracterized the lesson of the Good Shepherd, in John’s tenth chapter.

Go contemplate the errors of your ways, son.

You are surely a male — as your vulgar instincts are on full display.

Anonymous said...

"How did your people come to be Americans, pray tell?"

Through Ellis Island. Legally. Paperwork to prove it.

condor said...

I was hoping that would be your answer. Now let’s deconstruct it:

For a point of reference — regarding “legally”:

The great great great grandparents of my children on one side came here “legally” — also through Ellis Island, by way of Ireland.

The great great grandparents on the other side of my children ALSO came here “legally”: in chains, “owned” by others in Mississippi. “Legally” thus actually means scarcely anything, now, doesn’t it?

Save your would-be high horse antics — regarding “legally”.

It certainly doesn’t mean nearly as much as you imagine, to a very substantial segment of real Americans. Americans who built this nation, but were denied the right to share in the fruits of their labor — for generations on end.

And in passing, for the record, court decrees are law. The Flores consent decree is enforceable law in any federal court in the US to this day.

That means no person who (with or without family in tow) arrives seeking asylum. . . Is violating ANY US law.

Put That in your pipe and smoke it.

And do try to read the parable of the good shepherd for its actual content, this time.
