Monday, February 26, 2018

Supremes Deny 45's Cert. Petition -- In California "Dreamers'" Case; Means Trump... Loses. Again.

The denial of cert. was without any written explanatory opinion (indicating just how out of bounds the administration's interlocutory appeal to the high court was), and yet was entered "without prejudice", so theoretically, 45 could think up some other grounds to seek review, later in the litigation, on the merits, at the high court -- while the injunction stands nationwide, against his ending the DACA program.

But the reality is (just as we repeatedly predicted) that DACA dreamers who keep their paperwork up to date are safe from summary termination by 45's whim. Multiple federal courts have explicitly so held.

Now you know. Onward on a perfectly sunny 55 degree afternoon -- to find food truck fish tacos!



Anonymous said...

And still the windbag blows:


condor said...

So. . . A guy who got six draft deferments (avoiding Vietnam, where he would likely have been given kitchen duty, due to general incompetence!). . . . Would — at 72, charge into an AR-15 firefight, unarmed?!

Color me... entirely incredulous.

Thanks — good find; but what a pathological liar he is...
