Wednesday, December 27, 2017

New Federal Propecia® MDL Order: I'll Explain In Plain(er) English -- Tomorrow Around Lunch-Time...

In truth, I'm completely out of gas.

It's off to bed, but a substantial bolus of the cases in the MDL are being dismissed, for failure to remedy various procedural-, and proof- defects -- as of yesterday.

Here is the three page PDF order -- out of the very able Judge Brian M. Cogan's chambers, in Brooklyn's federal District courthouse.

As I say -- a plain English explainer will appear in this space tomorrow at some point. Be excellent to one another. . . . it is the best way to combat the utter hypocrisy (completely non-populist moves) of Mr. Trump's last minute tax package shifts -- and stealth changes. [Oh -- and Martin Shkreli's lawyer was convicted on all counts -- that's two felonies today, as well.] G'night.


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