Meanwhile. . . back in the Fourth Circuit, out of Maryland -- while we wait on the first briefs out west to hit the public PACER feed. . . . [deleted]
nothing from the west coast yesterday Updated for filings, in prior post, now. . . .
Out east: a quite unsurprisingly similar schedule -- making for cross country filings all through the holidays, at and from 45's law offices. Nice.
And. . . now, a confidential note to 45: "more extreme vetting" would have done nothing to deter the long present in the US, Uber driving ("apparently friendly") DOMESTIC terrorist (he's been here lawfully for over seven years) in Manhattan yesterday. You cannot fix this with ham-handed demonizing of primarily brown people, as they enter, Mr. Trump. You just can't. Here's that Fourth Circuit order, entered yesterday:
. . . .Upon consideration of the Government’s Motion to Expedite Merits Briefing Schedule, the Court expedites the cross-appeal briefing schedule as follows:
Opening Brief: Due November 1, 2017 [And a link to the as filed 71 pages of warmed over, previously rejected arguments made by 45, tonight.]
Opening/Response Brief: Due November 15, 2017
Response/Reply Brief: Due November 22, 2017
Reply Brief: Due November 29, 2017.
Any amicus curiae brief in support of the Government shall be filed by November 6, 2017. Any amicus curiae brief in support of Plaintiffs shall be filed by November 17, 2017. Amicus curiae briefs shall be filed on the merits only, not on the motion for stay.
Oral argument is scheduled for December 8, 2017, at 9:00 a.m. in Richmond, Virginia. . . .
I certainly wish a grown-up was President. Any grown-up. Sheesh. Onward.
UPDATED: 11.02.2017 @ 2:20 PM EDT -- As I wait in the well, for court to start here, in the federal "sanctuary city" case (pro bono publico). . . I noticed that 45 called for the death penalty late last night in the case of the Manhattan terrorist. He also suggested Gitmo. Just as he did in talking about Beau Bergdahl's case -- Trump has increased the odds that this murderous attacker gets off -- entirely.
As the Commander in Chief, he cannot weigh in on prosecutorial decisions with impunity. He has immensely hampered his own Justice Department by making truly stupid remarks. I get that he is upset. We all are. But his lack of filter is going to cost the people of this nation -- cost them, in the measure of justice that may be imposed, on a clearly guilty terrorist. This man is simply not up to the job. Period. He is handing out hall passes to terrorists, with his nonsense bluster. Fugly. End, update.
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