Tuesday, October 17, 2017

And Let's Discuss The "Secret" Trump Muslim Ban 3.0 Report, Too...

Here is the latest, on that score, as well. And a bit of the filing:

. . .A basic premise of our adversarial system is that each party is permitted to view and consider documents material to the resolution of its case. Only the most extraordinary circumstances justify a departure from that practice. This case does not present such a circumstance. . . .

More, on the morrow. . . .



Anonymous said...

And the court says "https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/court-blocks-donald-trump-travel-ban_us_59dcccbbe4b0b34afa5c4317?ncid=inblnkushpmg0000000"

I'm sure there will be a twitter storm....

condor said...

Indeed! Thanks for covering for me, whilst I was off grid -- much appreciated!
