Friday, August 11, 2017

The Primitive In Chief -- Finds Me (Gasp!) Nostalgic For (A Senile) Ronald Reagan...?

UPDATED: 08.12.2017 @ 8 PM EDT -- All of the carnage in Charlottesville -- every bit of it -- is properly to be laid at the feet of this man. He has permitted (both openly, and with "dog whistles" -- in his speeches) white supremacists from the jump. And it took him over five hours -- after his original "law and order" tweet posts -- to offer belated condolences to the family of Heather Heyer, the 32 year old Anti-Alt-Right, pro-inclusion woman marcher murdered today. 45 is. . . a disgustingly racist enabler. [End, update.]

As I hopped on a train, off to the church to be married, 33 years ago this morning, I heard tell of Mr. Reagan's "hot mic" NPR moment -- which was in the middle of the 1984 presidential election cycle. It was -- he later said, at least -- a joke. A very poor joke. But one that dominated weeks of news cycles, about whether he was fit to be President.

I could point to the "pussy grab" remark of the analogous time last summer, but really -- why bother?

What 45 just said by tweet, on the 33rd anniversary of of Mr. Reagan's awful gaffe -- and what he said, in all seriousness -- should be bone-chilling -- at least to anyone who thinks he was ever fit for office. North Korea is in no way strategic to US interests, but he wants to blow it up -- primarily to distract the public from, and generate cover for, his disaster of a presidency, unfolding day by sad day.

I cannot say that I long for Mr. Reagan -- but I can say this man is orders of magnitude more malevolent, and inept.

Just the same, I am buoyed by optimism. . . personally. And, 11 years earlier -- do go see the google doodle this morning -- for a 1973 milestone, on this day in history -- and do watch the sharp animation. I'm out, on a sunny Friday!


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