Thursday, December 8, 2016

On The Virtues Of Anonymous -- But Civil, And Free -- Expression Of Ideas... Some 240 Years' Worth

I've written a fair bit about the virtues of Alexander Hamilton's thoughts, of late.

And it bears renewed mention, that almost all of his debates -- especially about immigration, with Thomas Jefferson, in particular -- were conducted in newspapers of general circulation, under various pseudonyms.

In fact, almost all of the Federalist Papers were originally printed under the name Publius. [In that sense, this medium of exchange is not so terribly different than the sort that was employed by the founders. Minus the Ju Ju Beats, of course.]

So it is that most of the central ideas that became our system of ordered liberty, and checks and balances -- were penned anonymously -- and debated in that same way, at first. As a protection from. . . yes, a tyrant. That is food for thought, as to the continuing value of anonymous public discourse, in times where a new leader may well challenge many of the core constitutional values this nation has held for going on 240 years.

So I will remain... faithfully supportive1 of anonymous public discourse -- where the idea stands, or falls, of its own merit -- and matters more than the name attached to it.


1. Having said all of that, the act of doxing someone who wishes to remain anonymous is. . . quite literally. . . beyond the pale -- of civil, humane behavior.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I also agree with public discourse where the idea stands or falls on its own merit and have stated this in other forums in the past.

Unfortunately experience has shown me that certain ideas and discourse can be suppressed and one side (e.g. pharmaceutical industry) can use a myriad of misleading approaches to drive public opinion and political action.