Tuesday, May 24, 2016

O/T A Worthy Read, From Our 39th President -- Candidly Assessing Race, In America In 2016. . .

It has been a fairly quiet early news week thus far for Kenilworth, so I will offer up a very worthwhile read -- on the increasingly clear topic of just how dangerous a Trump nomination is likely to be. Dangerous to the cause of fundamental fairness, and equality, in America.

Honestly, I am now openly skeptical that the GOP will survive (as an intact party) in the near term, given the vast chasm he has torn-open, in that party. Like the Whigs, they may well turn out to be. . . . extinct, by 2020. But between now and then, we must do all we can to prevent complacency about this odious reality TV candidate.

And so, since I have mentioned him several times before on this blog -- I will quote our 39th President, here -- and point the readership to the morning's New York Times, on it all. Do go read it -- Mr. Carter is speaking truth, there -- an uncomfortable truth to many white and black alike, but truth, just the same:

. . . .Mr. Carter said the election of Mr. Obama was a hopeful sign, but he added, "I think there’s a heavy reaction among some of the racially conscious Republicans against an African-American being president."

He said recent reports showing high unemployment and incarceration rates among black people, “combined with the white police attacks on innocent blacks,” had “reawakened” the country to the realization that racism was not resolved in the 1960s and ’70s.

He said Mr. Trump had violated “basic human rights” when he referred to Mexican immigrants as criminals and called for a ban on Muslims’ entering the country. . . .

There is much more that is wise and true, at the link -- do go read it.

And before I close -- let me point to a Chief Justice Roberts authored opinion (handed down yesterday), holding (7-1) that a black man's death penalty trial was infected with racism, in the jury selection process -- and thus open to challenge, under the standards of Batson v. Kentucky, even 20 years on -- with newly discovered evidence of bias. That is an encouraging sign, even if Justice Thomas was the lone hold-out -- and clearly wrong -- on the applicable prior common law.

I will now go in search of some light lunch fare, on a flawless spring day, here. . . . Onward!

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