There is still no agreement on several of the key issues, including 12 hour workdays, outsourcing and part-time workers, among others (just as our earlier anonymous commenters had suggested).
We will keep you posted, but here is the latest from the USW local's website, late this afternoon:
. . . .Local 10-00086 just completed three more days of negotiations, April the 19th, 20th and 21st. Conversations continue and are at times "passionate." We did reach two tentative agreements (TAs); one on Safety Committees and another on Inter-Plant Transfers.
However, major proposals, such as Outsourcing/Subcontracting, Premium Pay, 12 Hour Shifts, Part-time Workers and others still remain on the table. Next week we move into the final week of our collective bargaining agreement.
Remember, with the continued support of membership, we will bring home – A FAIR CONTRACT. . . .
Indeed. Sleep well, one and all!

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