Of course, some years later -- long after Merck had declined to buy Pharmasset -- Gilead acquired Pharmasset for $11 billion. And, with that acquisition, Gilead obtained most of what it now knows about making sofosbuvir, the active ingredient branded as Solvaldi®, and then later (in a fixed-dose combo), as Harvoni®.
If -- and to be sure, that is a big IF -- the able Judge Labson-Freeman believes Gilead's version of how it is that Merck came to know what it knew, and then file its patent applications on sofosbuvir (i.e., that it essentially filched the central idea from old Pharmasset M&A due diligence materials -- which would certainly have breached the M&A NDAs Whitehouse Station signed), there might well be a substantial reduction in damages, or even an outright reversal -- of the verdict. We shall see -- but here is a bit, from the weekend's court docket:
. . . .The evidence does not pertain to Gilead’s waiver theory and does not pertain to the only unclean hands theory that Gilead disclosed during discovery. In its interrogatory response regarding its unclean hand[s] theory, Gilead identified a single basis for its unclean hands defense: that Merck had "obtain[ed] its patent rights by deriving the invention from Pharmasset’s confidential disclosures which renders it inequitable for Merck to now assert the patents against Gilead. . . ."
We will -- as ever -- keep you well-apprised. Onward, on a wonderful Spring-budding Monday!

on a different topic; this approval for Teva was a legacy S/P compound; SCH 55700.
Over 10+years later, it finally gets approval.
Nice catch, Anon.!
Here's a shiny, new post on it -- and (as you well know) I do like keeping score -- on these legacy Schering-Plough candidates. . .
Thanks so much!
Namaste. . .
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