As I've long said and written, trying to garner corporate welfare, in the form of narrowly tailored tax loopholes (but only for the "more equal" pigs -- like Pfizer), is a pricey proposition. This year, it will be all about protecting the "Pfilergan" tax avoidance windfall -- for Mr. Read. Note the much more statesman-like approach that Mr. Frazier takes, in tax lobbying (click this link, for just one example) -- the difference could not be more striking. In any event, I wanted to note it for the record, now that the data is in. Here is the relevant bit:
. . . .Deferral
Comprehensive Tax Reform
Territorial Systems
Tax Extenders
Patent Innovation Box
Cadillac Tax
Inversions. . . .
As I say, Pfilergan will generally not be a focus of this blog -- but where the contrasts are stark (or the similarities striking, as well, I suppose), we will remark upon it. Like tonight.

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