This now, for a third time, is Pauline Cafferkey's notice of discharge -- and she's been declared contagion-, and Ebola-free. She is healthy again. From the UK's The Guardian, then -- a bit (but do go read it all, for a history of her admissions, and readmissions):
. . . .Pauline Cafferkey, the Scottish nurse who contracted Ebola in Sierra Leone in 2014, has been discharged from hospital after she was cleared of any complication related to the virus.
She was admitted to the Royal Free hospital in Hampstead, north London, last week for the third time after developing a complication related to her previous infection.
With relief and delight among her care team, however, she was discharged on Sunday and was expected to be on her way back home to Scotland. . . .
As ever, life -- and new life -- will find a way. Fitting that it comes on a Leap Year Monday. This sort of biological science approaches the mystical, for me at least -- likely indistiguishible from miracles, to the good people of the days of Crough Padraich's cannonized climbs. . . . Smile. . . Onward!

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