Back when he was chief investment officer, in 2011, at MSMB Capital, he made headlines -- and enemies. Same was true at Retrophin, shortly thereafter.
This morning the FBI arrested him, apparently related to alleged crimes at the two earlier companies. KaloBios just lost half its value on the NASDAQ -- in pre-market trading, on the news. More as the details emerge later today
. . . .The federal charges are believed to parallel a civil lawsuit filed against Mr. Shkreli in August by Retrophin, whose board ousted Mr. Shkreli as chief executive in September 2014. In its lawsuit, Retrophin accused Mr. Shkreli of having used the company as a kind of personal piggy bank to help pay off upset investors who lost money at the hedge fund MSMB. Among the ways he did this, the lawsuit says, was by hiring some of these investors as sham consultants to Retrophin.
“Shkreli was the paradigm faithless servant,” Retrophin’s complaint, filed in in Manhattan, said. “Starting sometime in early 2012, and continuing until he left the company, Shkreli used his control over Retrophin to enrich himself and to pay off claims of MSMB investors (who he had defrauded). . . .”
Evan L. Greebel, a corporate lawyer at Kaye Scholer who has worked with Mr. Shkreli, was also arrested on Thursday morning. A spokesman for the firm declined to comment. . . .
That his outside lawyer, while he was at Retrophin, was also arrested this morning, almost certainly points to securities fraud as the central gravamen of the charges.
UPDATED: Here is a much more comprehensive story on it all, from the Gray Lady, filed late in the day today, on his alleged two man crime spree. It is now likely that he will not hold on to that Wu Tang album, if he in fact ever owned it. It is also unlikely that he will get to abuse the priority review voucher system at FDA, via his questionable efforts on a Chagas disease treatment, through his purported control of KaloBios. Should the DoJ prevail, all of his own personal assets will be forefeit, to pay the defrauded victims of his crimes (at this point, only alleged crimes). So the worm turns. Onward -- and couldn't happen to a nicer guy. . . .

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