And the Health Ministry in Guinea is doing so with WHO blessing, it seems. Excellent. Only a matter of time before Sierra Leone and Liberia join in.
This moment, August 1, 2015, is likely the end of large-scale Ebola outbreaks -- in Africa (and globally) -- in much the way polio was eradicated in most of the world about 75 years ago. Late in coming, to be sure, but this is a triumphant moment for the power of biological science, applied. More later, but Here is Bloomberg on it all:
. . . .Guinea will inoculate all people who have come into contact with new cases of Ebola after successful trials of a vaccine developed by Merck & Co., the head of the campaign against the virus said.
Guinea’s government, the World Health Organization and the medical charity Doctors Without Borders began a series of trials of the VSV-EBOV vaccine in the West African nation on March 7, National Coordinator of the Fight against Ebola in Guinea Sakoba Keita told reporters Friday in the capital, Conakry.
"The vaccine showed a 100 percent efficacy," Keita said. "From today, all the contacts will be vaccinated so as to stop the evolution of the virus. . . ."
This is quite welcome Saturday morning news!

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