There will be no more printed versions -- after over 100 years. And that's the kind of change -- that's a good thing. Onward.
December 6, 2009: I spend a lot of time on this blog scrutinizing the moves of New Merck (as the successor-in-interest to Schering-Plough, as of November 4, 2009), but this -- I must say -- is at least one thing that Merck has gotten absolutely right.
For a year or so now, Merck's Manual has been available as an application for PDAs. The iPhone version is both beautiful, and elegantly functional. [The image above is courtesy AgilePartners; you may puchase it there as well -- via this link.] Having it around, in digital form, at a moment's tap, whether one is in the high Andes, in the rolling hills of northwestern Ireland, or the deserts of Arizona -- or even on the southern tip of Florida Keys -- is far easier than traveling with that hard-copy, wonderful, but weighty tome in tow.
So -- well done, Merck -- spot on! Highly recommended:
. . . .Based on the world's most widely used textbook of medicine—The Merck Manual—but written in everyday language by 300 outstanding contributors. . . .
Not entirely unrelated aside: The New York Times is running a very long article this afternoon -- on how Apple's App Store has so completely overwhelmed older methods of distribution -- that now each competing smartphone (or software platform) is offering its own App Catalog (Palm; WebOS), Windows Marketplace for Mobile (Microsoft; WindowsME), Android Marketplace (Google; Android) and Owners' Lounge (Blackberry; RIM).
And each of these is sure to soon have (or already does have) the Merck Manuals in smartphone-accessible forms. Well, nothing exceeds like. . . excess, eh?
And so. . . all of life. . . is about moving toward -- or away -- from something, or someone. I'm. . . out.
While I love my science and medicine, when in the Florida Keys~~~I don't need or want my Merck Manual. No matter how light it is on my iPhone.
Just saying. there's a lot more to do in Key West.
I hear you, Anon.
I think of it as being useful -- not so much recreational -- reading.
Let's say I'm in the remote jungles of Venezuela... And step on a poison toad... What to do?
I'm carrying (at zero added weight) all the best advice Western medicine might offer.
Do stop back -- and Namaste... With a smile...
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