Of course, the rVSV-EBOV approach developed by NewLink still has to be shown to be effective -- and safe. But I suspect it will be. The question has always been about finding the money (and willpower) to do it. Here's a bit -- do go read it all, at SFGate.com:
. . . .[Merck] has entered a global partnership with a small U.S. drug developer to research and manufacture a potential Ebola vaccine now in initial patient testing.
The exclusive deal involves rVSV-EBOV, a vaccine candidate under early development by BioProtection Systems, the vaccine-development subsidiary of NewLink Genetics Corp. of Ames, Iowa. . . .
I may be scarce for the balance of the week -- enjoy your family time, one and all. And please keep the peaceful law-abiding people of Ferguson, Mizzou in your thoughts, prayers and meditations. I know I will.

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