And starting at the beginning of August, plaintiffs NOT accepting the global settlement will need to comply with individual deadlines in their cases -- a tall order. So I expect there will be very few who will decline the NuvaRing® settlement. We shall, as ever, see -- but Merck did engineer a nice bargain here, in settling. From last Friday's order, then -- entered by Judge Rodney W. Sippel in the Kansas City federal District courthouse:
. . . .Pursuant to the status conference held this day, the Court is advised by the parties that the NuvaRing Resolution Program is proceeding as planned. Claims packages have been submitted and are being processed by the parties and the claims administrator.
The Court advises all parties that as of July 31, 2014, the stay in this litigation will expire and will no longer be in effect, and the time for compliance with all pre-trial deadlines set forth in the Court's Order Regarding Preservation of Records and Prima Facie Evidence of Usage, Injury and Causation Requirements for Pending Cases Not Participating in the NuvaRing Resolution Program and Newly Filed or Transferred Cases, entered February 7, 2014 (Doc. #[1680]) will begin to run as of that date for cases not participating in the NuvaRing Resolution Program.
Signed by District Judge Rodney W. Sippel on 7/25/14. . . .
We will be up early -- for the earnings call, tomorrow. Sleep well!

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