But just as I said -- IF the rumored numbers are remotely-accurate -- Merck would be getting the very tip top of the market. Per LiveMint's reporting -- do go read it all:
. . . .Bayer AG moved a step closer to winning Merck and Co.’s consumer business after lead rival Reckitt Benckiser Group Plc walked away from the deal because the asset became too expensive.
“We are a highly disciplined acquirer with strict return metrics, which we will not break,” Reckitt Benckiser chief executive officer (CEO) Rakesh Kapoor said in an e-mailed statement. . . .
We shall -- as ever -- see.

Consumer is not the only thing on the block. Legacy drugs are being shopped around as the salesforce is being ramped down dramatically in July.
Quite right!
A whole new batch of largely mindless rumors, very likely floated by bankers retained by Merck to maximize the price.
Here's a new post -- with my commentary, in the waning paragraph of this one -- on it. @X to @.%X annual sales I probably about all we should expect -- in pricing, on sale. . . .
Namaste -- and do stop back!
That should read 2X to 2.5X. . .
Sorry -- going to get some real coffee now.
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