I like his independence -- and his rather skeptical eye. [Leerink's investment banking/M&A advising business lines have essentially no chance of winning Merck's business -- so it never competes for Merck's capital markets business allocations. The opposite is true of all the other four I named.] Sheamus has been closer to right than these other four, of late, on most Merck-related forward-looking guesses. Overnight, he bumped up his price target, but only to less than two per cent above today's NYSE price. He is saying that Merck is fully valued here. And I think I. . . agree.
From the online edition TickerReport (okay!) -- here's the bit:
. . . .Analysts at Leerink Swann boosted their price objective on shares of Merck & Co (NYSE:MRK) from $49.00 to $57.00 in a research report issued to clients and investors on Thursday, AnalystRatingsNetwork reports. Leerink Swann’s target price would indicate a potential upside of [only] 1.30% from the stock’s previous close. . . .
We will keep you posted.

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