Thursday, October 10, 2013

Fred Hassan: "I'm An Unusual Leader. . ." Really? You're A. . . Leader (At All)!?

That would be quite a bit of news -- to me, at least.

You can read more of his revisionist histories right here (via Yahoo! Finance), in greater detail, but to my eye, they are all largely gag-worthy.

His central claim to "changing the corporate culture" at legacy Schering-Plough is apparently that he once or twice stood in line with a cafeteria tray. . . and got his own food (gasp!), with the rank and file. [Eye-rolls mandatory here.] The concluding bit is especially unctuous:

. . . .“I'm an unusual leader,” he said. “I will leave it up to whoever wants to judge me, to see whether I'm good or great, but I am a very unusual leader. . . .”

Ahem, Fred -- there is at least one other option: poor.

And I'd choose that one for you -- 2,400 posts below, over almost five elapsed years, are offered to establish that proposition. But you may make the call, yourself, dear readers.


Anonymous said...

well, he didn't say he was a 'great' leader now did he?!

Unusual can mean a lot of different things.

Wasn't it unusual to say "I'm a builder not a seller".
Wasn't it unusual to say S/P had 5 shining stars to build off of?
Wasn't it unusual to ask for $40 billion for the sale of S/P?
Wasn't it unusual to ask for nearly $300 million as part of a buy-out package while the rest of the employees were laid off?
Wasn't unusual to delay the reporting of Vytorin results and impact the stock?

See---he is an unusual leader.

Most true leaders would not do these things.

For once, maybe he is being truly honest. Though, I wouldn't bet my retirement on it.

Condor said...

Thanks Anon. --

This is an entirely flawless comment! Perfect control of tone -- coupled with a razor sharp use of irony. . . [Fred's own words -- all now shown false. And self-serving.]

Thank you so much!

Do stop back by.

Namaste, one and all!