Here is Bloomberg's report -- do go read it all.
The House Republicans are wasting their time -- and the voters' scarce resources -- by staging these entirely meaningless delay votes. The Senate will never pass such a bill -- and Mr. Obama has said repeatedly he will veto these sorts of obstructionist moves, even if the Senate (impossibly) were to today fall into the hands of similarly deluded Republican zealots. It is shameful that the House majority cannot seem to get on with conducting the nation's business. No, it wants solely to keep re-fighting the battle it long-ago lost. Sad -- for the state of our union. Now, here's a bit of the good news, from Bloomberg:
. . . .Monthly rates for “silver” plans, the second-least generous available next year, will be about 18 percent less than the Congressional Budget Office estimated last year when it calculated the cost of the Affordable Care Act, according to a report by the Health and Human Services Department scheduled to be released this morning and previewed by administration officials.
Premiums for the plan average $321 in 11 states examined in the report, while CBO assumed the rates would be about $392, according to the officials, who asked not to be identified talking about the report before it was made public.
Obama will discuss the findings at the White House today. . . . His remarks, which will also highlight $500 million in excess premium payments rebated to 8.5 million Americans this year, are part of an administration effort to encourage uninsured Americans to sign up for policies under the law and generate greater public support. . . .
We will, as ever, keep you posted.

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