Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Jury Has Been Empaneled; Opening Statements Completed In Su Fosamax® Femur Case

I'll simply note that this trial is likely to last a few weeks -- and when the case is handed to the jury -- we will let you know. I'll not do any more day-by-day reporting on it, unless something truly jaw-slacking occurs. [Here is a bit of background on it, for a more complete look at the issue.]

From the New Jersey Star Ledger, this evening, then:

. . . .Researchers said in 2010 that Fosamax and competing bone-loss drugs may be linked to increased risks of thigh-bone fractures. As many as 94 percent of 310 patients who had an uncommon type of fracture to the thigh bone were also taking a bisphosphonate-based drug, according a September 2010 report in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. Most had taken the medicine for more than five years, according to the report.

Su, who lives outside New Brunswick, is a retired computer-systems analyst who took Fosamax for more than five years starting in June 2003, according to court filings. She suffered a broken right femur in 2009 and doctors later that year inserted a metal rod in her left femur to deal with stress fractures, according to the filings. . . .

Stay tuned.

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