Monday, February 4, 2013

Dutch Papers Reporting Possible Deal For Oss/Legacy Organon BioSciences API

US media outlets including Reuters, and Bloomberg are now running very-truncated versions of this -- so I suppose it is safe to reprint the original Dutch version I saw overnight.

Recall that prior rumored/possible deals with Takeda (early 2011), and the German Merck (2010; no relation) have ultimately not materialized -- so take this as preliminary, at best. See below; I'll put the generally awful Google translation underneath the orginal -- in case some of you can read that native tongue:

. . . .De 950 werknemers gaan dus over naar Aspen. Volgens MSD heeft de verkoop geen gevolgen voor het aantal banen. Ook de arbeidsvoorwaarden zouden onder Aspen hetzelfde blijven. De plannen worden momenteel nog afgestemd met de ondernemingsraad en de vakbonden.

2000 werknemers

Als de voorgenomen verkoop doorgaat, behoudt MSD in Oss twee productieafdelingen en een ontwikkelingscentrum met in totaal ruim 2000 medewerkers.

Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients maakt 55 grondstoffen voor geneesmiddelen. Het onderdeel blijft in de toekomst samenwerken met MSD. Volgens MSD is de vraag naar grondstoffen erg gestegen, waardoor het efficiƫnter is om die activiteit uit te besteden aan een gespecialiseerd bedrijf. . . .

~~~~~~~ [ENGLISH, SORT OF. . .] ~~~~~~~~

The 950 employees will therefore have to Aspen. According to MSD, the sale does not affect the number of jobs. The benefits would include Aspen same. The plans are currently being discussed with the works council and the unions.

2000 employees

If the proposed sale continues, reserves MSD in Oss two production departments and a development center with a total of over 2,000 employees.

Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients makes 55 raw materials for medicines. The part remains in the future together with MSD. According to MSD, the demand for raw materials is very increased, making it more efficient to outsource this activity to a specialized company. . . .

By my lights, this is simply the very long tail of the Fred Hassan-engineered bust up of what was once the integrated, independent Schering-Plough. But if it saves these life-science workers' jobs -- even just a few hundred -- that's a good thing. Mr. Hassan had no such compunction.

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