Not too much real news of note (at least not much not already covered on this website), but at about two-thirds of the way through the one-hour and 12 minute video, conservative zealots from something called NCPPR sharply question Merck's CEO over bogus claims that Merck struck a collusive deal to advance supposedly "unconstitutional legislation" (presumably, with President Obama) to help ram-rod health care reform through Congress. It might all be a bit of silly street theatre, if these NCPPR folks didn't actually believe their proffered nonsense.
[BTW: Irony alert! -- these conservatives show up -- at a capitalists'/stockholders' meeting! -- to complain that Merck (if true) might have done something in its stockholders' enlightened self-interest. Wild.]
The conservatives' vendetta against our 44th President won't let their own rhetoric on economic freedom, and/or the virtues of capitalism -- to say nothing of the actual facts -- get in the way of demonizing anyone who sides with the President -- on any issue, at all. Mmmmm -- Nutty-goodness!
Here is the punch-line of the designated conservative zealot's question:
. . . .[H]as your company put any structure or review in place to ensure that you never again promote legislation that violates the Constitution of the United States?. . . .
Objection, your honor -- the questioner assumes several facts. . . that aren't in evidence -- and that aren't actually. . . facts, at all. Enjoy.

Not to appear to side with the nuts but I think this is what the question was eluding to:
"Republicans in the House of Representatives are already questioning whether the industry received too sweet a deal under the healthcare law, and have started an investigation into negotiations between drugmakers and the White House. Goals of the probe include finding out whether a deal was made between pharmaceutical companies and the Obama Administration in return for publicly supporting the law, according to officials at the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.
The Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, a trade group whose members include Amgen Inc, Eli Lilly & Co, Merck & Co and Pfizer, has come under scrutiny in the probe."
Full story:
Actually, see my latest post -- the CPPR, as an organization, claims that the Affordable Care Act is part of a socialist agenda -- and opposes the support of birth control contained therein, among other matters.
Danhof's current gripe is that Merck contributed too much to get a package of laws that will now be declared unconstitutional, and thus "wasted" the shareholders' money.
I understand your point -- and it is well-made. This particular organization just didn't advocate that point of view -- at least not at the Merck shareholders' meeting. In fact, the CPPR's proxy proposal was all about lobbying, not sweet deals that BENEFIT the shareholders.
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