I just whipped up this quick and decidely cheesy graphic (now that I see it in white speace! -- "Ah, Blast!" as Stewie would say), to highlight the very cogent commentary of my anonymous readership. The below is also a follow-up on my post about what the "New" Merial termination (between Merck and Sanofi-Aventis) likely means. Here are the responses -- very solid thoughts, each of them:
. . . .Anonymous said...
There are opportunities for both sets of business here. I would guess that the Merial business is more at risk as Sanofi is now the sole owner of a $1 billion per year product that is now off patent and being sold in OTC outlets.
March 25, 2011 4:11 PM. . . .
Anonymous said...
Intervet-Schering-Plough (now Merck's) will be able to grow in situ -- no need for add-ins.
March 26, 2011 7:38 PM. . . .
Anonymous said...
Both of them are looking for "smaller meal" like Lohmann Animal Health or the Mexican part of Boehringer.
March 28, 2011 2:50 AM. . . .Anonymous said...
Crystal Ball glows and shows : Merial bolting on Lohmann or merging with Bayer, Novartis AH merging with Pfizer AH and CEVA being gulped by Elanco (Lilly).
March 30, 2011 10:11 PM. . . .
We will report on any so-called "bolt-on" acquisitions by Merck, Sanofi, Lilly, J&J or Pfizer -- of any of the above smaller units -- in the global animal health space, right here. Do stay tuned, folks.

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