Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Merck To Cover Costs -- By Distributing Third Party's Tetanus Vaccine

Distributing another's vaccine (as opposed to inventing one, oneself) is a generally low-margin endeavor, but mildly good news, for Whitehouse Station, just the same -- here's a report:

. . . .[The] agreement. . . provides Merck with exclusive rights to market and distribute MBL's tetanus and diphtheria toxoids adsorbed (Td) vaccine in the United States, with the exception of Massachusetts, where MBL will continue distributing the vaccine. Merck plans to begin distributing the Td vaccine in June 2010. Specific financial details of the agreement were not disclosed. . . .

They were not disclosed because they are very small, relative to Merck's size. The deal will help absorb some of Merck's considerable vaccine overhead, just the same, though.

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