Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Final Arbiter 6 HALTS Results Confirm Niaspan® Over Zetia®

No real surprise, but the's HeartWire has the story:

. . . ."By incorporating the additional, complete study population, I think the results should be reassuring to cardiologists in that the findings are consistent with the preliminary results," lead investigator Dr Todd Villines (Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington, DC) told heartwire. "Niacin leads to a regression of atherosclerosis when added to statins in high-risk patients with an LDL-cholesterol baseline level of less than 100 mg/dL. The regression was clearly superior to ezetimibe in this patient population for its effect on the artery walls. . . ."

Indeed. Does anyone really think, any longer, that IMPROVE-IT (circa 2014, give or take) will contradict the three (albeit smaller) studies over the last two years -- each with no statistically-significant longitudinal cardiovascular risk benefit, for Zetia®? [Zetia is one half of what's in Vytorin®. So, as goes Zetia, so goes Vytorin.]

That's some "franchise" Mr. Hassan sold to Mr. Clark, eh?

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