As we all now know, the Big Pharma players domiciled here in the United States are not-fully capturing an emerging opportunity -- a wide-open shot, actually, in the world markets where truly cutting-edge health care is just now coming into its own.
Yet, this is exactly where New Merck (Pfizer, too, if truth be told) will have to play well -- and play nimbly -- in order to win, in the next five years (via a snippet from a just published New York Times article):
. . . .IMS said, 17 emerging markets are poised for significant growth. The report grouped the countries, which IMS has called the "pharmerging markets," into three tiers in descending order of market value growth. China alone occupies the top tier. The second tier comprises Brazil, Russia and India, while the third tier includes Venezuela, Poland, Argentina, Turkey and Mexico.
Last year, those countries accounted for $123 billion -- about 16 percent -- of more than $770 billion in global drug sales, IMS said. The emerging market sales represented 37 percent of industry growth.By 2013, those same countries are estimated to bring in an additional $90 billion in sales accounting for 48 percent of industry growth, the report said. Over all, emerging markets will represent about 21 percent of total drug sales in 2013, IMS executives said in an interview. . . .
This is New Merck's big chance -- will it be able to capitalize on the international savvy that still remains in pockets of legacy Schering-Plough (added to its own), and parley that into a truly global (and profitable) health-care partner -- to the pharm-merging world markets? We shall see. I sure like the neologism employed by IMS, here -- pharmerging. Cool.
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