Monday, February 8, 2010

Russo: In An Article Focusing On Her M&A Experiences -- No Mention of Schering-Plough's M&A Bust-Up.

Perhaps a minor matter, but this is how a CV (and thus a reputation) is adroitly scrubbed, rewritten and then restored.

Once again, in the context of offering analysis of how M&A deals are getting done in the current environment, former Schering-Plough board and compensation committee member Patricia Russo appears to make no mention of her role in the bust-up of Schering-Plough. In fact, Ms. Russo was the Lead Director of Schering-Plough, but only for the "lame duck session" of 2009, after the announced transaction, and until the closing date -- Novemeber 3, 2009. The article does not mention that she ultimately reached Whitehouse Station -- largely as a result of engineering the "Schering-Plough Bust-Up Express" train.

To be fair, the author of the article mentions her departure from Alcatel-Lucent -- for what it was -- but skips over her whole Schering-Plough board seat era, to leave the impression she was always legacy Merck. Odd -- do go read it all in

. . . .Russo left the [Alcatel-Lucent] chief executive’s office following a string of losses in 2008, and now serves as a board member at Merck, in the Whitehouse Station section of Readington, and General Motors, among others. . . .

All too predictable.

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