Monday, January 11, 2010

Better Late -- Than Never, I Guess -- FDA Holds Bloggers' Webcast

This great find is courtesy the erstwhile and irrepressible Salmon -- do go to this link, if you'd like to participate. I just left a question there, on IMPROVE-IT, for tomorrow -- in case other duties prevent my attendance.

Here is the blurb:

. . . .Webinar with Bloggers: New FDA Basics Web Resource

Do you and your readership have questions for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)?

The FDA is pleased to announce the availability of a new Web resource, FDA Basics, which answers your questions and discusses other important public health topics in a useful and user-friendly format.

The tool answers questions such as:
• How and where do I find out if a drug is approved for use?

• When can I be sure that it is okay to buy previously recalled foods when they are back on the shelf?

• How do I know if I’m eligible to donate blood?

On Tuesday, January 12, at 4 p.m. ET, the FDA will host a webinar for bloggers interested in health-related topics. The featured speaker, Dr. Joshua Sharfstein, Principal Deputy Commissioner of the FDA, will showcase the new tool, discuss opportunities for the public to submit questions to FDA, and outline FDA efforts to enhance transparency across the agency. After the presentation, there will be an opportunity to ask questions or offer feedback.

To join:

Phone number: 888-950-5930
Passcode: 8068554
Web address:
Please log-in as a guest.

We will be using the Twitter hashtag #FDABasics if you’d like to tweet about or follow the webinar on Twitter.

This webinar is open to the first 100 attendees who sign in to the meeting URL, and the phone portion is currently only available for participants in the U.S. We apologize for any inconvenience.

In order to view the webinar, Adobe Flash 8.0 or newer must be installed. . . .

At least Dr. Sharfstein is tryin', I guess. Kudos to Salmon for the alert!


Anonymous said...

Great transparency meeting. I could log in but couldn't hear anything and it stopped after the second slide.

Condor said...

I eventually saw the whole thing, but it was about as interactive as watching a slide show (i.e., not at all).

In addition, I still haven't found any part of the FDA website that contains the Q&A posted by "Webinar blogger/participants" -- as opposed to the canned, pre-written FAQs on the webinar site.

All in all, "I'd give it a 62 -- couldn't even dance to it. . . ."
