Sunday, November 15, 2009

A General Plea -- From Some Thoughtful Med School Students

I'll ask that you to spend just one minute and 45 seconds, here:

Thanks. Support a strong public option, please.


Anonymous said...

While I agree we need a public option, I feel that the MD community is a bit self serving here. Some medications, particularly biologics, are outrageously expensive - true. But for usual ailments, such as last week when I needed an antibiotic, I got a bill for $190 from the MD to tell what I already knew, and write the Rx, which cost me $12 (which is lower than my $18 Rx co-pay, so my insurance did not lay out a nickel here). $190 for 10 min in the office vs. $12 for the medication. Hmmm...I don't think the pharma industry alone needs to take a hard look at the financing of health care. If medicines make up only ~10% of the nation's health care bill, why are we not looking as closely at the other 90%???

condor said...

Agreed -- doctors in the USA make 40 percent more, on average, than doctors in the European Union.

Everyone needs to kick in -- I agree.

Namaste, and thanks for the feedback!

Do stop back by.

condor said...

And again, once -- a 3:10 pm, in a light warm rain.

Hey you... you look great!