Friday, November 6, 2009

Ex-CEO Fred Hassan Steps Down, Early -- As President of IFPMA

The CEO of Eisai, Haruo Naito, has assumed the lead of the international collection of pharma manufacturers' associations, as of November 6, 2009 -- according to, thus:

. . . .Fred Hassan, ex-chairman and ex-chief executive officer of Schering-Plough Corp., stepped down as the merger of his firm with Merck & Co. was completed before his two-year term as IFPMA head expires. . . .

[Edited for accuracy -- Ed.]

Sayonara, Mr. Hassan.


Anonymous said...

Probably because he was busy taking a money bath ala Mel Brook's History of the World Part I

Condor said...

Indeed -- see the newest post, of mine, on "clever tax planning-for-said-money-bath" above! Yikes.
