Saturday, January 13, 2024

"The STUPID -- It Burns!" Texas Tells The Supremes It Put Up Razor Wire In Shelby Park... So Locals' Golfing And Picnicking... Would Be... IMPEDED?!

The State knows it is caught red-handed, as state politicians have (on X-itter, and Truth Social) openly labeled this a seizure, and a "kickin' out" of CBP and DHS. [This is all part of Gov. Abbott's monstrosity called "Operation Lone Star" -- with state of Texas tax funds.]

Yet sworn affidavits filed overnight by state officials falsely say they "weren't aware" that CBP needed access to the park, so they welded on latches, and bolted on locks to the park gates, on January 10, and permanently prevented access by federal agents, in what are admitted as. . . lawful operations by DHS and CBP.

This will end badly for Gov. Abbott. Here is the nonsense, from the second affidavit filed overnight in response to Department of Homeland Security demanding an order in the US Supreme Court instructing Texas it must obey federal law, Here is a link to Gov. Abbott's nonsense, for the record:

. . .To ensure Shelby Park could be used[!] for its intended purposes including golfing, hiking, memorial services and picnics, law enforcement has for several years used shipping containers and wire to limit access to the park. As a result, since installing these barriers years ago there are already obstructions, and therefore limited visibility, for someone wishing to observe the river. . . .

During my service at the border, I have also observed CBP agents utilizing Shelby Park area for staging operations and patrols. In particular, CBP used Shelby Park as a staging operation to hold and question large numbers of individuals who had crossed the border illegally. I have also observed CBP boat such individuals down the river to the municipal park for the same purpose. . . .

So Texas admits it has in fact violated federal law -- in knowingly and willfully obstructing Homeland Security and Border Patrol. Charming.

DHS and CBP do not just "wish" to observe the Rio Grande at Eagle Pass -- they are commanded by statute to do so -- and give aid and assistance to asylum seekers in those waters, as well as inspect them for communicable diseases, and schedule them for future hearings. This is not "sight-seeing" -- as the feckless state of Texas people suggest.

Onward, into more snow -- and deep sub zero wind chills here in the coming nights.

Updated: A favorite old restaurant is shutting its doors after this long King weekend, so we will brave the cold -- to eat one last fine French meal in Lincoln Square. . . before it winks out of existence. Smile.



Anonymous said...

Seems as though a Trump campaign promise might run afoul of the 5th Amendment's prohibition against taking of personal property for public use, even though he claims some will be via new taxes.

But before you go via the link. See if you can find it yourself. You have to jump through a lot of hoops and attempts drain your wallet first.

condor said...

Thanks Anon… but I’m not likely to look.

He’s toast.

Burnt… toast now.

I will aid every opponent he has (D or R) and I think about 65% of registered voters feel the same way: anyone but him.
