Monday, May 1, 2023

On Friday Past, An AR-15 Wielding Gunman In Texas (AGAIN!) Killed A Family Of Five In Cold Blood...

The father of the family came outside and asked the mass-murderer to stop shooting, as their baby was trying to sleep. He responded by shooting the father in the back of the head. Then he killed the other four, and went on the lam -- leaving Cleveland, Texas. . . and likely armed to the teeth.

He is at large right now. The governor of Texas, at right, waited four days to mention it -- and when he did, he labeled the five murder victims "illegals".

Honestly, what on Earth. . . is that all about?!

Greg Abbott is. . . a monster. He seems only casually interested in finding a madman loose in his state possibly with another AR-15, a load of ammo, and/or lots of other weapons -- and a blood-soaked record, for being a mass-murderer, on a trip-wire's notice.

But Abbott wants to. . . demonize the dead?! [All victims were shot in the head at close range, but at least two of the murder victims were found slumped over babies that have survived -- apparently sacrificing their bodies -- to shield the babies. Heroic, at that -- but Abbott demonizes them?!]

Also recall that Abbott thinks he is allowed to ban / restrict protected speech by private citizens, in how they publicize facts, or choose to dis-invite certain speakers -- in their private clubs, or in how they might refer to. . . themselves. Ugh.

[Hmm. Perhaps every time he appears in public, we the people (and the press!) ought to derisively label him as well (as to irrelevant status) -- for example, as that "cripple" governor (who often "gets over" -- on his disability). Or. . . as in: "Today the Gimp / Greg Abbott signed a bill preventing humans from. . . loving whom they. . . love."

But no -- we are better than that. Better than he himself. . . is.]


1 comment:

condor said...

Hey again… say hi, at 5:50 pm? Smile…