Monday, April 24, 2023

Nailed It! The Entire Litigation Is Now Settled. Antitrust Suit About Zetia® Generics Delay... Goes POOF! 2008-2021.

Well. . . just as I told ya' we might see, all weekend-long. . . and last week, too.

The entire multi-billion dollar case is now settled, and we may never know for precisely how much. But it is being dismissed as I type this, down in Norfolk, Virginia -- and the jury sent home:

. . .Before jury selection commenced as scheduled, the court was advised that the Retailer Plaintiffs had reached a settlement agreement with the Merck Defendants and the Glenmark Defendants.

The jury panel will be released from duty and the trial is removed from the court calendar. Counsel were instructed to file an agreed dismissal order with any necessary motions within thirty (30) days. . . .

Onward. . . smiling. It may appear as a line item in the Merck Q1 2023 SEC Form 10-Q, in the litigation section. We shall see.


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