Sunday, April 23, 2023

Continuing Trend: Pfizer Outspent Merck And/Or Amgen By ~56% In Q1 2023, On Lobbying...

As ever, since Pfizer greatly outspent the other two, we will cover where that company's money went in Q1 2023. . . first.

We will continue to wonder when these multinational behemoths will begin to pay anything that remotely approaches a fair tax -- on the privilege of doing business in the best market for capitalistic health care, on Earth. [But we have been waiting four decades now, for that.]

In any event, here's Pfizer's partial Q1 effort listing (Merck tomorrow; Amgen Wednesday -- and Thursday for Amazon, if I get ambitious -- as it spent almost exactly the same amount as Pfizer in the quarter):

. . .Drug Pricing, Support of Biosimilars, Out-of-Pocket Costs, Rebate Reform, Vaccine Infrastructure/ Excise Tax, PDUFA, Pandemic Preparedness/PAHPA. . . .

Medicare Part D, Rebate Reform -- PMBs, Out-Of-Pocket Costs, Government negotiation on Medicare, Antimicrobial Resistance, March-In. . . .

Comprehensive Corporate Tax Reform, International Tax Reform, OECD Profit Allocation, U.S. Manufacturing Credits, Build Back Better Act, Minimum Tax. . . .

International Supply Chain/Buy America, Harmonize International Drug Manufacturing Standards, Global Access to Medicines, Foreign Market Access Issues (including IPR). . . .

TRIPS Waiver, Bayh-Dole Marc-in-Rights, General IP Issues. . . .

Now you know -- more to come in the week ahead on these topics, but we may first see some big news out of Norfolk, Virginia on the federal antitrust class action involving Merck and Glenmark, and the old Zetia franchises. G'night -- grinning.


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