Saturday, March 18, 2023

Well… This Is… Utterly Predictable. And Utterly… Deplorable.

Tangerine said (from his own mouth -- on his social media site) overnight, in public, that he will be arrested, on Tuesday.

Y A W N.

Couldn't possibly happen to a nicer guy. [Then he called for his supporters to protest.]

Yep. This man is an absolute. . . narcissistic sociopath. He is going to be arrested for crimes he personally committed in lying about bribes around a sex-scandal involving his own bedroom conduct. . . and he calls for (wait for it!) national protests.

"Take our nation back!" he yells. Truly, I guess the GOP now should be seen as the party of officially-approved, bought and paid for (unlawful) sex (not that I really care what Stormy Daniels does, or doesn't do -- but I do care when Trump lies about it), and makes undisclosed payoffs / bribes from campaign funds, and completely prevaricates. . . about it all (as GOP Commander in Chief!). Folks, I give you the GOP's front runner (according to all its own internal polling!) for the White House, in 2024.

I guess, in Trump's view, that's what makes "his nation" great (again). And all without. . . a peep, from those nutty far right frothers. [They continue to think that some group of law students, heckling a grown man -- an old federal judge (from an elite law school, and full of his own robe's powers), in the storied halls of another elite PRIVATE law school (i.e., at a private gathering) is the No. 1 barn-burning emergency our nation faces. Sheesh.]

And for the record, Trump has also repeatedly said recently -- in public -- that the mayhem of 01.06.21 may, in many ways, be blamed on. . . Mike Pence. Hilarious.

Damn. Just damn.


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