Saturday, March 18, 2023

Tanzania Sees Seven New Cases; With Five Unexplained Deaths -- Lab Results Pending; Ebola [Or Marburg...] Suspected.

It is important, as a matter of epidemiology, to note that Tanzania shares a border with. . . Uganda, where the last Ebola flare-up originated, late last Fall.

But it is also possible that this could be a travelling chain, from a nearby Guinea outbreak, as well -- as it is still in the throes of a Marburg outbreak. We may only hope that it is a strain of Ebola that is highly-responsive to the existing approved vaccines. We shall see -- but here is the latest, in the clearly troubling news:

. . .Health officials in Tanzania are investigating an illness that killed five people in the country's northwest with Ebola-like symptoms, raising fears that it could be the deadly virus.

Tanzania’s Ministry of Health late Thursday issued a statement saying seven people in northwest Kagera region showed symptoms such as fever, vomiting, bleeding and kidney failure.

The Kagera province / region borders Tanzania’s northern neighbor Uganda, which had an outbreak of the rare Sudan strain of Ebola from September last year to January that was blamed for 77 deaths. . . .

Now you know. Here is to hoping that the Tangerine stain is. . . booked, fingerprinted (and likely bailed out) -- by Tuesday night. That would (on balance) be good news, indeed. It would be. . . progress. Out, on a clear but zero degree wind chill Second Round Saturday. Let's go, Marquette (and Northwestern)!


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