Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Tangerine's Lawyers Forced Into "Hurry Up Mode" -- Eleventh Circuit Properly Sides With Government, On Top Secrets Stolen By Trump, Here...

So, Team Tangerine has its merits brief due in just under ten elapsed days.

This is a decidedly bad omen, for MAGA supporters, and doubly so, when coupled to Justice Thomas' overnight setting a slow schedule to even get papers back from the FBI/DoJ -- as to whether the dispute Trump tried to take upstairs. . . is ripe for SCOTUS review (it is not). The briefing in the Eleventh Circuit is likely to be well-nigh half over, before Tangerine even hears that he has been rebuffed by the Supremes.

. . .ORDER: Appellant’s “Motion to Expedite Appeal” is granted. The Court directs the Clerk to expedite the appeal for merits disposition purposes. Having consulted with the Chief Judge, the appeal will be assigned to a special merits panel from the classified appeals log randomly selected by the Clerk.

That panel will decide when and how to hear oral argument. The Court sets the following expedited briefing schedule, with no extensions allowed:

[Trump's] Appellant’s initial brief is due on or before October 14, 2022.

Appellee’s response brief is due on November 10, 2022.

Appellant’s reply brief, if any, is due on November 17, 2022. . . .

It must be said -- the Eleventh Circuit uses common sense: if the 100 or so papers are plainly marked "Top Secret". . . and no one disputes that fact, it is near impossible to see how the former guy has any standing to even be in Ailene Cannon's courtroom. This is not a civil matter; this is a 20 years felony matter -- and that is where the Eleventh Circuit special panel will send it -- back to the criminal warrants magistrate, in Miami (after finding against Baby-T). Grinning, now -- ear to ear.



  1. Glad to hear that family is on the mend. I had 3 members catch it; 2 adults both vaccinated and boosted...but, it still caught them. All recovered. Baby had it too but, was hard to even tell, mostly asymptomatic. Me~~so far~~avoided but fully vaccinated and 3X boosted; just got the bivalent.

    Meanwhile, it used to be a life science blog: cool stuff...

  2. Indeed, Anon. -- glad all yours are well & good. . . and like you, not even a smidge of it -- for me, personally. Heh.

    And, you are certainly right -- I love the Nobel announcements; the quantum entanglement guys, too earlier (physics). . . I def. need to put together a post on all the latest. . . probably tomorrow -- as time permits!

    Namaste. . . . stay safe!

  3. on an unrelated note, just some levity:
