Thursday, October 6, 2022

So... Courtesy Anon., Colbert Took Dr. Fauci To Get A Booster... At A Manhattan Walgreens -- Zaniness Ensued.

I've cued it up, toward the end -- when Nicki Minaj's "cousin's. . . friend. . ." had asked Colbert to ask Dr. Fauci about a specific side effect. . . .

Though I also love that the tech told Colbert that Fauci is only the THIRD most famous person he's given a vax or booster to:

And -- of course, I love love love that the gent steadfastly refused to violate patient privacy. . . he did NOT. . . "stick and tell". . . .

Excellent spirit-lifting content here, Anon.! Woot!!


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