Thursday, October 20, 2022

Hard Right Bloggers, And The Inability To Recall That "Trickle Down" Never Worked, At All... Hilarious.

So, contrary to all of [redacted's] chest thumping predictions, just one month ago. . . Britain has now sacked its shortest-serving 10 Downing Street occupant in all of its long history.

The idea that tax cuts for the ultra-wealthy would ever trigger anything other than a momentary M2 pop, and then much longer term price inflation, has been well-documented since the early 1990s in the US -- and the UK. [And Tangerine's tax cuts have proven just that -- all over again, here in the US -- but that is a story for another day.]

Yet, and still -- malevolent people like [redacted] (and more importantly, Truss) continued to tell that "Saint Ronnie" voo doo econ lie to themselves for four more decades. . . and in truth, no one serious about the science of economics even listened, any more -- because it was like hearing how great those old buggy whips used to work, in the era of the hansom cab (1890s).

Then (surprisingly, post the Brexit debacle) the hard right in the UK shoved Truss forward. And, while the country experienced 10% consumer prices inflation, she was led into believing that cutting taxes on billionaires (who felt nothing of consumer price inflation, anywhere -- it is utterly. . . meaningless, to them) would help people struggling to put food on their tables to. . . spend MORE?

Well -- she certainly deserves to be out, but [redacted]. . . just last week said she failed to go big enough, on the trickle down econ "voo-doo". [And just now, [redacted 2] echoed that. . . myopic lunacy.]

That. Is. Some. Malevolent. Senility, indeed.



  1. then there's: bring back Boris~~!!

  2. Okay… I did see that possibility printed, Anon., in a British tabloid this morning. Eek!

    And I suppose that most of the rest of the world looked at the US as though we weren’t a “serious” country, during the four years January 2017 to January 2021. . .

    But if Tories bring Boris back. . . the rest of the world will rightly look on Britain. . . as not much of a serious country, either.

    That’s just. . . Cra-cra!

    Great stuff, though — G’night!

  3. Update: Boris withdraws; Britain likely to have its first non-white Prime Minister… in its history.

    Smiling widely, here. . . .
