Friday, October 21, 2022

[U] A Brief Footnote: Supremes Won’t Hear Wisconsin Challenge To Student Loan Relief…

Updated -- late on Friday, in the Eighth Circuit, a short hold/stay was placed via a states' appeal from its complete loss of Wednesday, while the appeals panel considers whether the relief program may proceed:

". . .[The Biden Administration's] response in opposition shall be due on or before 5:00 PM Central, Monday, October 24, 2022 and the Appellants' reply, if any, is due on or before 5:00 PM Central, Tuesday, October 25, 2022. [5210237-4] Adp Oct 2022 [5210409] [Appeal No. 22-3179] (AMT) [Entered: 10/21/2022 05:13 PM]. . . ."

So now we will wait until Wednesday, in all likelihood. But the relief will go forward, Condor predicts. End, updated portion.

Tonight, Mr. Biden has seen the Supremes uphold long-standing, well-settled black letter federal law here, to the effect that (absent clear and convincing fraud) individual citizens don't have standing to sue over precisely how the Executive Branch chooses to spend money expressly allocated by Congress, so long as it follows the spirit / letter of the Congressional allocation, generally.

Moreover, the fact that the most conservative female Justice kicked the cert. petition right out, without even waiting until tomorrow's Friday conference with all the Justices, to discuss it. . . is a very bad omen for the other lower court challengers (all hard right).

Now you know. . . smiling. Ever, smiling.

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