Sunday, October 2, 2022

And Tangerine STILL Hasn't Returned All The Documents He Stole / Owes: NARA

Y A W N.

Tangerine is so bad at keeping track. . . of everything, and anything, really. . . it would not be surprising to learn that he doesn't even remember where he stuffed everything he stole.

But make no mistake -- he fully intended, and specifically intended -- to steal top secret US government documents. While we cannot yet prove that the motive was to sell them, that would be entirely consistent with his life-long crime spree.

So, all of the SFGate's reporting is both maddening, and unsurprising. My advice? Don't even bother with more search warrants -- just bring the charges. [There are absolutely at least 101 specific top secret documents (and multiple hundreds turned over in June 2022, voluntarily), not subject to any judicial constraint now, given the 11th Circuit's stay order -- upon which he may be indicted. Just show these to the no-doubt sitting grand jury in DC, and get on with it.]

That he still is in possession of documents NARA knows to exist, but haven't yet been returned to "we the people". . . is simply insane. Insane, unless his sole motivating engine. . . is crime. Or more precisely, money from the crime of selling US property.

Damn. Just damn. But. . . it is time to take the beast, where he stands.

Issue that indictment, already. Let's get to a multiple felonies trial. . . post haste.


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