Saturday, October 1, 2022

A Tanzanian Doctor... Is The First MD To Succumb To Sudan Ebola, In This Ugandan Outbreak

With a field test on any Sudan vaccine candidate not yet underway, and the total cases now eclipsing 50, there is strong cause for concern inside Uganda.

Overnight, we learn that the first doctor on the front lines has died of this version of the virus. He came from Tanzania, to give aid. Sad news, indeed, per Reuters (UK):

. . .A Tanzanian doctor working in Uganda who contracted Ebola has died, the first health worker killed by the disease in the latest outbreak in the country, Uganda's health minister said on Saturday.

"I regret to announce that we have lost our first doctor, Dr. Mohammed Ali, a Tanzanian national, 37-year-old Male," the health minister, Jane Ruth Aceng, tweeted.

She said Ali had tested positive for Ebola on Sept. 26 and died while receiving treatment at a hospital in Fort Portal, a town about 300 kilometres west of the capital Kampala. . . .

Now you know. . . onward, with a sad smile -- but a smile, just the same.


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