Monday, September 26, 2022

[UPDATED] The Situation In Uganda: Growing Significantly Worse, By the Day... Second Ebola Update Of The Day.

UPDATED: 09.27.2022 @ 9 AM EDT -- I am embarrassed to admit that I did not appreciate that this outbreak is being identified as primarily driven by a variant of the "Sudan" Ebola virus, per CIDRAP's reporting. As such, the existing, approved "Zaire" Ebola vaccine stock is thought not to be effective in arresting the spread. A new vaccine must be created, using the killed Sudan version virus's interior, packaged in a benign casing -- just the way the Zaire vaccine was created. But that effort will take months. This is a very serious situation. . . and fatalities are rising by the day, near the gold mines to the west. End updated portion.

This BBC report is an exclusive, and is being disputed by local Ugandan political leaders. But the outlet stands by its reporting.

This is, in substantial part, why the WHO exists: it must enter and take lead here. Both bringing needed safety kits to all workers, and enforcing safe practices. . . even if the MDs on the ground are chafing under them. Otherwise, this is likely going to be a "back to 2014-era" outbreak (with cases measured in double digit thousands, not single digits of tens):

. . ."Most times you come into contact with a patient and you use your bare hands," one worker told the BBC anonymously.

All trainees at Mubende's regional hospital say they are on strike and are demanding to be moved somewhere safer.

But Ugandan health ministry spokesman Emmanuel Ainebyoona told the BBC there was "no strike at the hospital".

Yet all 34 of the hospital's interns - including doctors, pharmacists and nurses - have announced their decision to strike in a joint statement.

They say they are being put at undue risk because they lack appropriate safety kits, risk allowances and health insurance.

Six interns at the hospital have already been exposed to the virus, and are awaiting their test results in isolation. . . .

This must only be called what it is: alarming. The WHO needs to assert itself forcefully in Mubende District. Workers must be protected. Full stop.


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