Monday, September 26, 2022

Hitting A Fired Bullet, With Another Fired Bullet, 7 Million Miles Off, Moving At 14,000 MPH! Only 17 Meters Off Dead Center.

And we watched it all, in near real time -- at under 40 seconds after it transpired, out there in the blackness -- just allowing for speed of light transmission, and three more seconds to render the images, each.

Here it is -- a complete success. That is actual DART onboard cam footage, below, BTW. We will have to wait a day or two to see how much it perturbed the orbit of Dimorphos (via ground based and space based telescopes), though:

This is an amazing evening, for humanity: the first time any human made object has moved the orbit of a celestial body of size. Whoosh -- grinning.



  1. plus there was a small satellite that was released prior to the impact that captured it all. Will be interesting to see those pictures: all in all, quite the impressive feat. Kudos to those at JH/NASA and the Italian space agency.

  2. Indeed -- I am guessing we will see that footage, either later today or tomorrow evening.

    Cannot wait!

    What an amazing time, for the history of astro-physics. . . Namaste.

  3. Updated, on the morning of September 28, 2022:

    The first images from the Italian "trailing box" camera clearly show a plume that is magnitudes larger than the diameter of the target asteroid itself -- and although a little blurry, they also show that the fainter parts of the dust cloud have already reached the parent Dimorphos.

    Now we wait for space telescope imagery, in the coming days. Great stuff!

  4. awesome...thanks for posting...
