Tuesday, September 20, 2022

[U] In News Of The Macabre: COO Of Beyond Meat Allegedly Went Full-On "Hannibal Lecter" In Road Rage Incident...

Updated, 5 PM EDT -- The company has suspended him, pending completion of the Arkansas criminal investigation. But when the police finish their work, and he is charged by the DA -- the company will fire him -- as they've already named a replacement -- a VP of manufacturing. Game over. End update.

This is pretty dark -- even by our standards. In truth, we owe BillyTheKid a H/T for finding it, at one of our other properties. And I am certain, since the stock has fallen from a high of $234, to under $17 as I write this. . . that he is under tremendous pressure to sell more of the very wildly expensive pea-protein, but engineered to be a substitute for ground beef.

Still -- there was an old, and terrible farce of a movie (long before "Silence"), in which a failed bus driver utters the line "you eat one foot, and they call ya' a cannibal."

Here's the reality, though -- and it is. . . harrowing (via Bloomberg business):

. . .Beyond Meat Inc.’s chief operating officer was arrested on Saturday on allegations that he bit a man’s nose during an altercation after a college football game in Fayetteville, Arkansas. . . .

Ramsey was allegedly at a parking garage when a Subaru inched in front of his Bronco, coming into contact with the front tire on the passenger’s side, according to a report by local station KNWA/KFTA. . . .

Ramsey got out of his car and “punched through the back windshield of the Subaru,” according to the report. The Beyond Meat executive allegedly then started punching the owner of the car, who had left the vehicle, and also “bit the owner’s nose, ripping the flesh on the tip.” He also “threatened to kill” the other man, according to the report.

The executive was released Sunday on an $11,085 bond, according to court records. . . .

The riffs here, well. . . they write themselves. The ferocity of his attack, though. . . seems to point to a very deep seated pathology, inside Ramsey.

So, I don't see how a beef replacement company can keep him in the role of Chief Operating Officer. . . if the dental evidence matches the victim's. . . injuries. I just. . . don't.

Smiling, just the same. . . .


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