Tuesday, September 20, 2022

And, A Second Day Spent Picking A Felony Jury In Brooklyn -- US v. Thomas Barrack -- Has Ended...

Of course, given his prominence, wealth and close ties to Tangerine. . . it may take several days yet, of questioning of prospective jurors. . . to find an impartial 12 and 4 alternates.

The trial may last several weeks in Brooklyn. . . but it seems highly likely that he will be convicted on at least a few of these felonies.

We say it couldn't happen to a nicer guy. And we may actually see (in this trial) some of the earlier documents, voluntarily handed over on June 2, 2022 at Mar-A-Lago, come up in proving his crimes. We shall see.

We will keep you informed as ever [Latest, most complete background filing by the government on this, here]. Grin. . . .



  1. and on another front: https://www.cnn.com/2022/09/20/politics/mike-lindell-phone-seized-fbi-my-pillow/index.html.

  2. Yup. Thanks Anon. — his chances are probably 1/1,000,000 — in favor of prevailing.

    USDC Judge issues a full probable cause warrant… in a criminal election fraud solicitation case out of Colorado?

    Loser. Like Tangerine’s challenge — no chance.

    Onward, grinning. . . .
